WELLNESS 19th of June 2020

5 Surprising Facts About Your Gut

Trust us, your gut is a big deal. In fact, many science-based research has proven just how important your gut microbiome is for your health and happiness.

Now, before we dive in further, it is important to know what is the gut microbiome and how it functions. Besides breaking down the food we eat, our gut also absorbs vital nutrients from the food we consume to support our bodily functions. From energy production, toxin elimination, hormone balance all the way to skin health, our gut is one of the most hardworking organs that puts our whole body in action.

Here are 5 amazing facts you might not know about the gut.

#1 The Gut Doesn’t Need The Brain’s Input

Your gut may be more of a thinker than you know -  scientists have even considered it the second brain. It doesn’t need to wait for the brain’s signal to do the extraordinary works of digestion as the nervous system of the gut is able to regulate itself without brain interaction. No other organs, not even the all-powerful heart is able to do that. Proud of your gut yet?

#2 There Are 10 Times More Bacteria In Your Body Than Regular Cells

The human body contains trillions of microorganisms - outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. While we often associate bacteria with harmful infections and diseases, it is important to note that not all bacteria are actually bad. The millions of bacteria in the gut play a significant part in our health and longevity. Check out the astonishing functions of gut bacteria below:

1) Improve immune function
2) Enhance digestive health
3) Keep weight off for good
4) Reduce inflammation
5) Improve overall mood

#3 Most Immune Warriors Are In The Gut

Other than hosting millions of brain cells in your so-called second brain, the gut also houses 70-80% of immune cells which plays a huge role in activating antibodies and eliminating harmful pathogens. So when your gut is healthy, it is able to reduce symptoms that ails you, keeping you protected from various chronic diseases. And for that, we cannot agree on this saying more: Good health starts in your gut. 

#4 It Gets The Best Out Of Your Food’s Nutrition

Since the bacteria in your gut are responsible for most nutrient digestion and absorption, a healthy gut determines how well certain nutrients such as vitamins, magnesium, fiber, and calcium are being absorbed into your body. 

A recent research conducted in Sweden found that probiotic strains of friendly gut bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus, may help to maintain healthy bone density as it is able to absorb calcium, magnesium and Vitamin K more efficiently.

Think about all the other health benefits you’ll get when your gut absorbs everything better.

#5 Your Gut Can Make You Happy

About 95% of your body’s serotonin, known as the happy hormone, is actually found in the gut. So when your gut bacteria is off-balanced, the body naturally produces less serotonin, which is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental issues. That’s all the more reason to be careful with the use of antibiotics, which wipe out the good bacteria along with the bad, wreaking havoc on one’s mood.

In fact, many studies have supported that a good diet including probiotics and prebiotics (friendly gut bacteria) nourishes the gut and has significant positive effects on our mental health. 

So How Do We Nourish Our Gut?

It all starts with a healthy balanced diet. Good gut foods such as artichokes, broccoli, bananas, blueberries, nuts, and wholegrain foods can help you achieve a well-balanced gut but let’s be frank here, how many of us have a clean healthy diet like this?

Studies have shown that pre- and probiotic supplements help enhance your gut health by creating a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria. And this is where MOIIVA™ steps in! 
Filled with premium Synbiotics (pre+probiotics), MOIIVA™ promotes a good supply of friendly bacteria and filters harmful ones to create an ideal gut flora. With this balance, it is able to promote stronger digestion, easier bowel movement, and naturally powering up our immune system as well. 

Not only that, MOIIVA™ goes beyond powering our gut by combining natural vitamin C and Lutein to maximise immune powers and eye health too! 

Did we mention it’s also all-natural and super tasty as well? Experience a whole new world of stronger gut, immunity and a happier self now. Shop here

Read More:
Where Healthy Meets Delicious

By Evelyn

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