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WELLNESS 5th of February 2020

V-Day Best Feminine Hygiene Hacks Every Women Should Know

Each year, as Valentine’s Day rolls around, we rack our brains over how to show our significant others we care. But you know who really deserves a bit of love on this heart-shaped holiday? Your vagina.

We love how much the world is changing to promote body confidence for women of all shapes and sizes. More women are sharing information and starting conversations that can empower others. However, one topic that’s still rarely discussed is the matter of feminine hygiene and what vaginal health really means.

It’s awkward!

We know.

But it shouldn’t be. Vaginas are the canals responsible for the human race – this is one topic that should be a priority. What follows are some of the best things you can do to be clean and healthy around the va-jay-jay area:

#1 Keep The Undergarments Dry

Not wiping the vagina after urinating can cause the panties to get wet, which not only will lead to bad odor but also you at risk of vaginal infections. Hence, it is always advised to wipe the area using toilet paper or soft cloth to keep your underwear dry at all times.

#2 Change Sanitary Pads After 4-6 Hours

Women who have normal blood flow should change a sanitary napkin every four-six hours and 3-4 hours for those who have heavy flow. If you are using a tampon, then change it every six hours without fail. If sanitary napkins or tampons are not changed for a long time, it can lead to skin rashes and bad odor. In certain cases, it can also put you at risk of infections. Also, some women tend to use reusable cloth pads, which need to be washed and dried properly before using it.

#3 Clean The Vagina After Intercourse Without Fail

Make it a habit to clean the vagina every time after indulging in sex. Body fluids and particles from condoms can irritate. Also, not cleaning up after the act can make you prone to vaginal infections. So always clean the vagina after sex with water to prevent infections like urinary tract infections (UTIs).

#4 Keep Washing To A Minimum And Do It RIGHT

Avoid using harsh or scented soaps to clean the vagina. The use of soaps laden with harmful chemicals such as glycerol, perfumes, and antiseptics can affect the healthy balance of the bacteria in the vagina. Moreover, it can also change the pH in the vaginal region, which can cause irritation and lead to the growth of unhealthy bacteria. Instead, use plain soap and water, preferably lukewarm water to wash the area around the vagina.

#5 Avoid Douching

A douche is a device that flushes up water into the vagina to clean vaginal secretions. Douching involves the use of certain chemicals which can interfere with the vaginal pH. This can, in turn, disrupt the healthy vaginal bacteria. Moreover, no evidence douching can protect you against sexually transmitted infections or vaginal infections.

#6 Practice Safe Sex

Unprotected sex carries the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, warts, syphilis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Hence, using protection such as condoms every time you have sex is one of the simplest and effective ways to prevent STIs and vaginal infections and unwanted pregnancies. But before you use one, check if you are allergic to the material of the condom and pick the one that suits you.

#7 Avoid Wearing Tight Clothes

Wear undergarments made from breathable fabrics like cotton. This is because wearing tight clothes and inners made from synthetic fabrics cause sweating due to reduced air circulation. Excessive sweating and moisture can lead to the growth of bacteria and yeast, causing vaginal infection. Do change your clothes after working out or exercising or any activity which can be sweaty.

#8 Learn The Right Way To Wipe

Are you wiping the area down the right direction? Well, probably not! The right way to clean the vagina is from front to back (the vagina to the anus) and not the other way round. This is because, if you do the other way, then the chances of dragging the harmful bacteria to the vaginal are high. So if you have been wiping in the wrong direction, then it is time to change.

#9 Do Not Shave Pubic Hair

Some women prefer shaving pubic hair as they think the pubic hair looks gross and unclean. But little did we know, pubic hair acts as a safety net which protects the vulva. Moreover, the use of non-electric shaving methods such as razors for shaving the genital hair was found to cause genital injuries. 

#10 Do Not Ignore Signs Of Vaginal Infections

Lastly, but most importantly, do not ignore any signs and symptoms of vaginal infections. Whether you have a stinky smell or excessive vaginal discharge or coloured vaginal discharge, do consult your doctor immediately. Also, do not ignore an itchy vagina or pain in the vaginal region as it could be a sign of an underlying health condition.

To further boost your healthy bacteria supply, you can supplement your diet with a probiotic like Vofina™. This daily supplement re-establish the natural lactobacillus in your vagina, a strain of bacteria that helps maintain a low pH level and a healthy balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina. And most importantly, help significantly boost your immune system to fight your existing condition and its recurrence.

Every woman should follow these basic feminine hygiene tips to ensure a healthy vagina. Centuries of patriarchy and media framing has led us to believe that vaginas are down-right unclean and that vaginal concerns should be raised privately. But educating ourselves and other women on how to maintain vaginal health can help prevent a lot of unwanted infections.

Do share this information with all your friends to spread awareness, including your daughters. Your vagina will thank you because a happy vagina makes a happy you.

READ : What Does Vaginal Discharge Tell About Your Health?

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