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Store. Just a click away to your favourite essentials.

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A daily dose for brighter, youthful appearance
USD 97
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An intelligent solution for acne and scars
USD 80
Products Image
The body-shaping expert that trims excess visceral fat
USD 138
Products Image
Powerful 83 bil pro+prebiotics for optimal vaginal health
USD 60
Products Image
The hydration hero that locks skin moisture from head to toe
USD 97
Products Image
A hormonal balancer to relieve menopause symptoms
USD 100
Products Image
The mobility hero for joints, muscles, and bone health
USD 105
Products Image
An effective slimming solution for a healthy weight loss
USD 150
Products Image
SuperFIT Satiety
An appetite controller to stop cravings and hunger pangs
USD 50
Products Image
SuperFIT Block
Natural calorie blocker that blocks carbs and fat absorption
USD 50
Products Image
SuperFIT Flush
The cellulite and water retention removal expert
USD 50
Products Image
A natural hormone balancer to relieve PCOS symptoms
USD 82
Products Image
The complete hormonal enhancer to boost men's health
USD 103
Products Image
Potent Pre+Probiotics for gut and immune health
USD 46
Products Image
A solution that restores emotional and mental well-being holistically
USD 100
Products Image
A natural solution that targets the root cause of high uric acid and gout
USD 85
Products Image
A plant-based meal replacement with complete nutrients
USD 45
Products Image
The most luxurious Collagen skin-regeneration serum
USD 89
Products Image
The multi-action moisturizer for a hydrated glow
USD 86
Products Image
The full spectrum water-based daily sunscreen
USD 69
Products Image
Dual-action spot cream to heal acne and scars
USD 50
Products Image
Anti-comedone serum that clears black and whiteheads
USD 54
Products Image
Intensive hydration gel that calms and renews skin
USD 58
Products Image
Calming Gel Cleanser
Gentle pH-friendly daily cleanser
USD 31
Products Image
Hydrating Toner Mist
Most refreshing toner to soothe the skin
USD 29

Curated Care for
Your Wellness.

Products Image
Flawless Twins
Ultimate pair to combat acne, heal scars, and brighten skin
USD 177
Products Image
Anti-Aging Duo
The duo for glowing radiance and hydration
USD 194
Products Image
The Hydration Kit
The moisture-restoring combo for plump, hydrated skin
USD 183
Products Image
Age Defense Duo
Restore youthful complexion and combat aging
USD 186
Products Image
Hormonal Bliss Couple
Rebalance hormones for mid-aged him & her
USD 203
Products Image
Menopause Body Sculptors
The body-firming duo for women above 40s
USD 238
Products Image
The Acne-Prone Kit
The kit to fight acne from the inside and out
USD 242
Products Image
The UltraTRIO Kit
The complete essential skincare trio
USD 244
Products Image
The Ultimate Fit Experts
Complete body-shaping expert combo
USD 288
Products Image
The Complete Skincare Travel Kit
Glow on-the-go with travel sized skin essentials
USD 76

Explore & Gift.

Products Image
SuperFIT Trial Pack
A sample pack to kickstart your weight loss journey
Limited to 1 per customer
Products Image
MOIIVA Trial Pack
A sample pack of the gut-immune support
Limited to 1 per customer
Products Image
Calming Gel Cleanser Trial
Travel-friendly gentle daily cleanser
Limited to 1 per customer
USD 10
Products Image
Hydrating Toner Mist Trial
Travel-friendly soothing daily toner
Limited to 1 per customer
USD 10
Products Image
Minus Mini-Kit 3
The complete acne care series for clear skin
USD 56
Products Image
E-Gift Card
Pamper someone special with the gift of luxury wellness
USD 45
' + '
' + '{1} ' + '{2}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' }); } } /* Reload items in cart content ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function reload_items_in_cart(pAction, pKey, pCode, pQty) { pQty = (pQty==null || pQty==undefined || pQty=='') ? 1 : pQty; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '', dataType: 'html', success: function(html) { if( html.trim()=='' ) { var tl = new TimelineLite(); $('.cart-control'),.5,{autoAlpha:0} ); tl.set( $('.cart-control.if-items'),{className:'+=hidden'} ); tl.set( $('.cart-control.if-empty'),{className:'-=hidden'} ); $('.cart-control.if-empty'),.5,{autoAlpha:1,immediateRender:false} ); $('html body'),.5,{scrollTop:0},'-=.5' ); } else { // animation-start { var tl = new TimelineLite();$('.card-items-in-cart .card-body'),.5,{opacity:0});$('.card-items-in-cart .card-body'),.5,{height:0}); $('.card-items-in-cart .card-body').html( html ); tl.set($('.card-items-in-cart .card-body'),{height:'auto'}); tl.from($('.card-items-in-cart .card-body'),.5,{height:0,immediateRender:false});$('.card-items-in-cart .card-body'),.5,{opacity:1}); // } animation-end // re-initialize event listener-start { $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('mobile'); $('.prod-selector').bind('change',function(){ update_order( 'add', $(this).attr('data-key'), $(this).find('option:selected').val()); }); // } re-initialize event listener-end } update_order(pAction, pKey, pCode, pQty); }, error: function(jqXHR) { info_modal('Request failed',jqXHR.responseText); } }); } /* Reload items in cart content ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function reload_recommended_packages() { } /* Pre-update order - before update_order is called ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function pre_update_order(pAction, pKey, pCode, pQty) { var preOrderList = {}; pQty = (pQty==null || pQty==undefined || pQty=='') ? 1 : pQty; if(orderList) for( i in orderList ) { if( !orderList[i].qty ) { orderList[i] = {"cod":orderList[i],"qty":1}; } } update_add_cart_button( pAction, pKey, pCode, pQty ); setCookie('orderList', JSON.stringify(orderList), 1); update_cart_counter( orderList ); // if( JSON.stringify(preOrderList)!=JSON.stringify(orderList) ) update_estimate_discount_total( orderList ); } /* convert voucher ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var frmConvertVoucher = $('#frmConvertVoucher'); var frmConvertVoucherNotification = $('#frmConvertVoucher-notification'); function convert_voucher(action) { content = '
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 ' + json.error.join('
 ') + '
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 ' + json.success + '
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' + json.success.content + '

' ); setTimeout(function(){ wdtFeedback.modal('hide'); $infoModal.modal('show'); }, 1000); } else { // frmFeedbackNotification.html(''); closeDialog( divNotificationDialog ); closeDialog( divLoadingDialog ); info_modal(json.success.title,json.success.content); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(jqXHR.responseText) } }); } function change_country(country,language) { if(country != "") { var _url = "//" + country; if( language.length > 0 ) _url += '&uLang=' + language; $.ajax({ url: _url, dataType: 'text', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { if(data == "true") { var curUrl = document.location.href; var urldata, location; if( curUrl ) urldata = curUrl.split('?'); if( urldata ) { location = urldata[0]; //location += ( (urldata[1]) ? '?'+urldata[1]+'&' : '?' ) + 'uCountry=' + country; var params = new URLSearchParams(; if( params.has('uCountry') ) params.set('uCountry',country); else params.append('uCountry',country); location += '?' + params.toString(); } else location = ''; if( language!=null && language!='' && language!='en' && !$.isNumeric(language) ) window.location = location + "#googtrans(en|"+ language +")"; else window.location = location; } else if(data == "false") { // SET country failed } } }); } } /* login ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var wdtLogin = $('#wdtLogin-modal'); function login( frm ) { frm = (frm==undefined||frm=='') ? 'login-form' : frm; var frmLogin = $('#' + frm); var content = '
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We are processing your request. Please be patient.
'; }, success: function(json) { if( json.error && json.error.length > 0 ) { content = ''; if( frm=='frmLogin-modal' ) { setTimeout(function(){ wdtLogin .modal('loading') .find('.modal-body') .append('
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We are processing your request. Please be patient.
'; info_modal('Processing request',content); }, success: function(json) { if( json.success ) { window.location = '//'; //Updated on 20230919 - fong } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { info_modal( 'There were errors in your request:', jqXHR.responseText ); } }); } /* my account ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function redirect_url( url ) { window.location = url; } /* facebook functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function login_fb() { // console.log('login_fb'); FB.login(function (response) { console.log('response',response); if (response.authResponse) { // connected get_fb_me() } else { // cancelled } }, {scope: 'public_profile,email'}); } function get_fb_me() { // console.log('get_fb_me'); FB.api('/me',{fields:'email,id,name,location,gender,last_name,first_name,locale,timezone,link,verified,birthday'}, function (response) { var access_token = FB.getAuthResponse()['accessToken']; response.access_token = access_token; submit_fb_login( response ); }); } function submit_fb_login( response ) { // console.log('submit_fb_login'); var content = '
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We are processing your request. Please be patient.
'; info_modal( title, content ); }, success: function(json) { if( json.error && json.error.length > 0 ) { content = ''; title = ''; info_modal( title, content ); } else if( json.success ) { info_modal( 'Facebook Signup Success', 'Welcome back, ' + json.response.username + '!' ); if( $.inArray(location.pathname.split('/').pop(),['login.php','signup.php','order_success.php']) !== -1 ) { window.location = '' +; return; } var newURL = location.href; var search ='&'); newURL = 'https://' +; newURL += ( location.pathname=='/order_success.php' || location.pathname=='/login.php' ) ? '/home/member.php' : location.pathname; newURL += '?uCountry=' + + '&uPage=user'; if( search.length > 0 ) for( i=0;i=totalHeight) { if (scrolling > lastScrollTop) { // Scrolling down navbar.addClass('navbar-hidden').removeClass('navbar-fixed'); } else { if( $('.section-nav .offcanvas').hasClass('show') ) { } else { // Scrolling up navbar.removeClass('navbar-hidden').addClass('navbar-fixed'); } } } else if (scrolling < announcementHeight) { navbar.removeClass('navbar-hidden navbar-fixed'); } lastScrollTop=scrolling; }); // init controller let controllerOnLeave =new ScrollMagic.Controller({globalSceneOptions:{triggerHook:'onLeave'}}); // 0 let controllerOnCenter =new ScrollMagic.Controller({globalSceneOptions:{triggerHook:'onCenter'}}); // 0.5 let controllerOnEnter =new ScrollMagic.Controller({globalSceneOptions:{triggerHook:'onEnter'}}); // 1 let controllerOnFirstQuarter=new ScrollMagic.Controller({globalSceneOptions:{triggerHook:0.25}}); let controllerOnThirdQuater =new ScrollMagic.Controller({globalSceneOptions:{triggerHook:0.75}}); let controllerOnSixtyFive =new ScrollMagic.Controller({globalSceneOptions:{triggerHook:0.65}}); var swiper=new Swiper('.swiper-onecare-store-wrapper', { spaceBetween:0, // Space between slides in pixels autoplay:{ delay:5000, // Equivalent to autoplayTimeout }, speed:500, // Equivalent to smartSpeed lazy:true, // Lazy loading of images pagination:{ el:'.swiper-pagination', clickable:true, type:'bullets', }, simulateTouch:true,// Enable drag on desktop grabCursor:true, // Grab cursor when dragging breakpoints:{ 0:{ slidesPerView:1, // Show 1 slides on small screens }, } }); var swiper=new Swiper('.swiper-onecare-store-wrapper', { spaceBetween:0, // Space between slides in pixels autoplay:{ delay:5000, // Equivalent to autoplayTimeout }, speed:500, // Equivalent to smartSpeed lazy:true, // Lazy loading of images pagination:{ el:'.swiper-pagination', clickable:true, type:'bullets', }, simulateTouch:true,// Enable drag on desktop grabCursor:true, // Grab cursor when dragging breakpoints:{ 0:{ slidesPerView:1, // Show 1 slides on small screens }, } }); const concTagContainer=$('.tag-container'); const concShowMoreBtn=$('#showMoreTags'); const concTagElement=concTagContainer.find('.tag'); const concTagGap=3; let concExpanded=false; function updateMaxHeight() { if(concExpanded) return; // Calculate height for 3 rows dynamically let concTagHeight=concTagElement.outerHeight(true); // Get the height of one tag // Set the max-height for 3 rows concTagContainer.css('max-height', ((concTagHeight * 3) + concTagGap) + 'px'); concTagContainer.find('.tag').show(); // hiding tags that are outside of the 3 rows const concTags=concTagContainer.children('.tag:not(#showMoreTags)'); let concLastVisibleTagIndex=-1; let concHideTags=[]; concTags.each(function (index) { if ($(this).offset().top >=concTagElement.offset().top + (concTagHeight * 3) - concTagGap) { concHideTags.push($(this)); } else { concLastVisibleTagIndex=index; } }); // Hide tags using loop $.each(concHideTags, function(index, tag) { tag.hide(); }); // Ensure concShowMoreBtn is always the last tag at row 3 const lastVisibleTag=concTags.eq(concLastVisibleTagIndex); if (lastVisibleTag.length) { const lastVisibleTagOffset=lastVisibleTag.offset(); const showMoreBtnOffset=concShowMoreBtn.offset(); if ( ( - 10) > { // If Show More button is on a new row, hide the last visible tag lastVisibleTag.hide(); } } } // Initial setup updateMaxHeight(); // Toggle Show More/Less functionality concShowMoreBtn.on('click', function () { if (concTagContainer.css('max-height')==='none') { concExpanded=false; $(this).removeClass('fico-arrow-up-3').addClass('fico-arrow-down-3'); updateMaxHeight(); // Reapply 3 rows height } else { $(this).removeClass('fico-arrow-down-3').addClass('fico-arrow-up-3'); concTagContainer.css('max-height', 'none'); // Expand fully concTagContainer.find('.tag').fadeIn(500).show(); concExpanded=true; } }); let concTimeout; const concDelay=250; // Adjust this value to change throttle time function onResize() { // Clear the timeout if it has already been set. // This will ensure that the callback is only executed after // the user has stopped resizing for the specified delay. clearTimeout(concTimeout); // Set a new timeout concTimeout=setTimeout(function() { // Your resize handling code here console.log('Window resized. New dimensions:', window.innerWidth, 'x', window.innerHeight); updateMaxHeight(); }, concDelay); } // Event listener to handle window resize $(window).on('resize', onResize); $('.section-slide .expand-wrapper').on('click',function(){ if( $(this).hasClass('active') ) { $(this).removeClass('active'); } else { $(this).addClass('active'); } if( $('.d-control').hasClass('d-none') ) { $('.d-control').removeClass('d-none d-md-block'); } else { $('.d-control').addClass('d-none d-md-block'); } }); handleFilterChange(); $('.filter').on('click', function(event){ handleFilterChange(; }); $('.section-store-result .btn-addtocart').on('click',function(){ var _qlimit=parseInt($(this).attr('data-qlimit-qty')); if( $(this).hasClass('outofstock')===false ) { var action=$(this).hasClass('active') ? 'remove' :'add'; key=$(this).data('key'); code=$(this).data('code'); qty=(orderList[key] && orderList[key].qty && orderList[key].cod==code) ? 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Stay Tuned!','We\'re working hard to make this function available. Please stay tuned!'); }, error:function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { info_modal('Coming Soon! Stay Tuned!','We\'re working hard to make this function available. Please stay tuned!'); } }); }); $('#txtSubEmail').on('keyup', function(e) { if (e.keyCode===13) { email_subscribe('frmSubscribe'); } }); $('.chat-expand').on('click',function(){ chat_widget(this); }); $('.login-modal').on('', function () { turnstile.reset(); }); $('.btn-show-pwd').on('click', function() { var input=$(this).siblings('input'); var currentType=input.attr('type'); // Clone the input element with the new type var newType=currentType==='password' ? 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